2021-2022 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
DENT 129 - Dental Materials and Lab II PREREQUISITES: DENT 102 - Dental Materials and Lab I PROGRAM: Dental Assisting CREDIT HOURS: 3 LECTURE HOURS: 2 LAB HOURS: 2 DATE OF LAST REVISION: Fall, 2018
This is the second in a series of two in depth courses that reviews the properties of dental materials, proper modes of manipulation, necessary armamentarium used, and the technical duties required of dental assistants. Stresses clinical behavior of materials and biological factors of importance to dental assisting.
MAJOR COURSE LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Upon successful completion of this course the student will be expected to:
- Explain the relationship between components, properties and the clinical performance of amalgam, gold alloy, dental ceramics, base materials, solder and dental implant metals.
- Describe the rationale for limiting the patients and dental personnel’s exposure to mercury and cite the maximum vapor allowed by OSHA.
- Differentiate between the types of silver alloy available for amalgam, in terms of copper content and particle shape, and explain the clinical consequences of using these different alloy types.
- Explain the significance of gamma-2 to the clinical performance and physical properties of amalgam and cite how gamma-2 phase is controlled.
- Summarize the steps for producing a finished cast restoration, starting with the wax pattern.
- Describe the finishing and polishing of common restorative materials and indicate precautions associated with these techniques.
- Compare and contrast the three different types of dental implants and compare their uses.
- Manipulate restorative materials and cements.
- Produce full custom-made trays, mouth guard, temporary bridge, self-engaged bleaching tray and trimmed casts that are acceptable in a dental office.
COURSE CONTENT: Topical areas of study include -
Abrasion, cutting and polishing materials
Alloys for dental castings
Casting investments
Casting the inlay and crown
Dental ceramics
Dental implant materials
Trending materials
Waxes Course Addendum - Syllabus (Click to expand)