2021-2022 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
ENGL 095 - Integrated Reading and Writing PREREQUISITES: IVYT 111 - Student Success in University Transfer and demonstrated competency through appropiate assessment COREQUISITES: IVYT 111 - Student Success in University Transfer CREDIT HOURS: 3 LECTURE HOURS: 3 DATE OF LAST REVISION: Fall, 2014
Prepares students for the demands of reading and writing in a variety of college-level courses. Cross disciplinary materials are used in an integrated approach to reading, writing, and critical thinking.
MAJOR COURSE LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be expected to:
- Read with increased flexibility and effectiveness in order to understand diverse materials, including college-level texts.
- Recognize and differentiate between stated and implied main ideas and supporting details.
- Identify and use patterns of organization in reading and writing.
- Use critical reading and writing skills.
- Increase comprehension of texts through vocabulary building, summarizing, outlining, mapping, and note taking, which may include adapting individual learning styles.
- Interpret visual rhetoric such as graphs, tables, charts, and other images.
- Construct grammatically correct, accurately punctuated sentences that convey the writer’s intended meaning.
- Read and respond to professional and academic writing.
- Create compositions that reflect writing process strategies.
- Apply the research process and write at least one essay that includes selection, evaluation, integration, and appropriate documentation of sources in MLA and/or APA styles.
COURSE CONTENT: Topical areas of study include -
Fact and opinion
Main ideas
Supporting details
Patterns of organization
Figurative language
Annotation of texts
Organizational and comprehension strategies
Audience awareness
Composition development
Rhetorical situation
Writing process
Research process
Virtual library
Professional and academic writing
Academic honesty/plagiarism
Standard written English
Peer evaluation GRADING POLICY A course grade of C or higher is required for successful completion. Students who do not meet this standard are encouraged to retake the Accuplacer placement exam.
Grading Scale
90 - 100% |
A |
80 - 89% |
B |
70 - 79% |
C |
60 - 69% |
D |
0 - 59% |
F |
Course Addendum - Syllabus (Click to expand)