Mar 28, 2025  
2022-2023 Catalog 
2022-2023 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

MATH 123 - Quantitative Reasoning

PREREQUISITES: Demonstrated competency through appropriate assessment or successful completion with a grade of “C” or better in MATH 023 - Essentials of Algebra  or higher
COREQUISITES: Demonstrated competency through appropriate assessment or a grade of “C” or better in MATH 080 - Mathematical Principles  

Introduces students to the mathematics required for informed citizenship, decision making, reasoning from evidence, working with real world data, and effective communication. Students will solve problems using proportional reasoning, percentages, rates of change, linear and exponential models with applications from statistics and finance.

MAJOR COURSE LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Upon successful completion of this course the student will be expected to define problems clearly, identify relevant information, ask pertinent questions, and support conclusions using persuasive quantitative reasoning. Students will be able to:

  1. Use and interpret ratios in all their guises: rates/percentages/decimals.
  2. Use proportional reasoning in context (real world data sets) including estimation, order of magnitude and scientific notation.
  3. Operate within and between different measurement scales including unit conversion and dimensional analysis.
  4. Research and select appropriate formulas/strategies to solve real world problems. Use estimation, check reasonableness of answers.
  5. Use and interpret percentages in various forms.
  6. Apply and interpret probability concepts such as union, intersection, complement and conditional, relative frequency (empirical probability), false positives/false negatives.
  7. Demonstrate fundamental financial literacy by manipulating percentage rates and lengths of term and by quantifying the impact on credit cards, loans, and installment savings.
  8. Compute, contrast, and interpret absolute and relative change.
  9. Explore and interpret rates of change, contrasting linear versus exponential growth (simple versus compound interest).
  10. Interpret visual representations of data, such as pie charts, gar graphs, and histograms.
  11. Analyze real world data through descriptive statistics (measures of central tendency and dispersion), weighted averages, normal distributions, z-scores, percentiles, and margin of error.
  12. Use algebraic reasoning to model relationships between variables, including the construction and use of equations to solve problems.
  13. Summarize mathematical reasoning and defend solutions or predictions using quantitatively relevant mathematical language, laws and notations appropriately.
  14. Solve math problems and explore real-world data by using technology including the internet, spreadsheets, simulations, or calculators.

COURSE CONTENT: Topical areas of study include -  

  • Ratio, proportion
  • Probability
  • Visual displays of quantitative information
  • Percent and percentiles
  • Simple and compound interest, loans and investments
  • Measurement systems
  • Variables and Equations
  • Correlation and causation
  • Absolute and Relative Change
  • Measures of central tendency and dispersion
  • Normal Distributions
  • Weighted Averages
  • Instructor led discussions with student-centered learning activities: Recommended to be offered in 2 or 4 hour blocks.


A 90-100
B 80-89
C 70-79
D 60-69
F 0-59

This course requires a statewide outcomes assessment.

Appropriate assessments should include project-based explorations and exams.

Course Addendum - Syllabus (Click to expand)