Mar 02, 2025
2023-2024 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
ADMF 101 - Key Principles of Advanced Man PROGRAM: Advanced Automation and Robotics Technology CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3 LECTURE HOURS MIN: 2 LAB HOURS MIN: 2 DATE OF LAST REVISION: Fall 2022
Introduces the basic principles and practices of Safety and Quality used in manufacturing environments. Safety instruction covers topics including; Safety Data Sheets (SDS), confined space, lock out/tag out, zero energy state, hazardous materials, storage of flammable materials, storage of fuel gas and high pressure gas cylinders, portable powered tool safety, hand tool safety, record keeping, training, employer enforcement of safety regulations, and right to know This course also covers current quality control concepts and techniques in industry with emphasis on modern manufacturing requirements. Topics of instruction include basic statistical and probability theory, sampling techniques, process control charts, nature of variation, histograms, attributes and variable charts. In addition, students will attempt mandatory ceritification assessments through Manufacturing Skill Standards Council (MSSC). In addition, students will attempt mandatory certification through OSHA 10 hour certification program in which successful completion results in students earning their OSHA 10 General Industry certification.
MAJOR COURSE LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Upon successful completion of this course the student will be expected to:
- Understand the importance of the manufacturing industry, industry 4.0, and introduction tocommon manufacturing concepts through direct interaction with industry(industry visits, guest lectures, and field trips). [g]
- Conduct assigned tasks in a safe and workmanlike manner while working either independently or in small groups. [c,d]
- Discuss the need for workplace safety and workplace safety training programs ascovered by the OSHA 10 hour program: [c,f]
- Introduction to OSHA
- Walking and Working Surfaces
- Exit Routes/EAP/Fire
- Avoiding Electrocution
- Hazard Communication
- Material Handling
- Machine Guarding
- Bloodborne Pathogens
- Industrial Hygiene
- Ergonomics
- Safe Driving
- Preventing Workplace Violence
- Safety and Heath Programs
- Discuss quality systems and reference common manufacturing examples [f,i]
- Calculate the mean, range, and control limits.
- Develop X Bar and R charts.
- Use quantitative analytical skills to evaluate and process numerical data. [e]
- Discuss basic blueprint reading fundamentals [b,c]
- Understand and interpret multi-view drawings
- Understand and interpret assembly drawings
- Understand and interpret GD&T concepts
- Discuss basic measurement systems. [f]
- Perform basic measurement using precision measuring tools
- Communicate effectively using listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. [f]
- Solve problems using critical and creative thinking skills. [e]
- Utilizing and applying software where appropriate to the course. [a]
- Attempt to earn a nationally recognized OSHA 10 Hour General Industry Certification. [h]
- Attempt to earn a nationally recognized certification from MSSC Safety and Quality exams. [h]
- Demonstrate ability to read and interpret technical documents. [b, e]
- Demonstrate ability to use various types of software applicable to course. [a]
Note: Letters following objectives correspond to ATMAE Outcomes
COURSE CONTENT: Topical areas of study include -
- Confined space
- Lock out/tag out
- Zero energy state
- Hazardous materials
- Storage of flammable materials
- Portable powered tool safety
- Hand tool safety
- Right to know
- Storage of fuel gas and high-pressure gas cylinders
- Quality system elements
- Statistical process control
- Quality audit procedures
- Root cause analysis
- Calculation of critical SPC data
- Construction of SPC charts
90-100 |
B |
80-89 |
C |
70-79 |
D |
60-69 |
F |
0-59 |
Course Addendum - Syllabus (Click to expand)