NSGP 108 - Essen Nursing Practice I PREREQUISITES: APHY 101 Anatomy & Physiology I, NSGP 104 Essentials of Nursing Concepts and Clinical Judgment PREREQUISITES/COREQUISITE: APHY 102 Anatomy & Physiology II, NSGP 109 Essentials of Nursing Practice I Lab and Clinical
CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3 Describes the role of the licensed practical nurse in providing safe, effective and culturally competent patient-centered care. Discusses clinical judgment in the care for patients across the lifespan. Explores an overview of fundamental concepts of nursing practice, infection prevention and control, coordination of care, holistic health assessment and health promotion.
- Describe the scope of practice, roles and level of individual responsibility of the licensed practical nurse as a member of the health care team. (SLO 4)
- Describe concepts utilized to promote a culture of caring and comfort that demonstrates respect for individual patient preferences across the lifespan. (SLO 1, 6).
- Identify communication practices that promote care collaboration within the health care team. (SLO 4, 5)
- Demonstrate knowledge of the fundamental principles of nursing documentation and use of the electronic health record. (SLO 5)
- Employ selected health promotion and health assessment concepts within the scope of practice of the licensed practical nurse. (SLO 2, 6)
COURSE CONTENT: Topical areas of study include -
- Caring
- Communication
- Clinical Judgment
- Coordinated Care
- Professionalism
- Safety
- Technology and Informatics
- Assessment
- Health Promotion
- Patient Education/Teaching
- Comfort
- Elimination
- Fluid & Electrolyte
- Immunity
- Mobility
- Nutrition
- Oxygenation & Gas Exchange
- Sensory Perception
- Thermoregulation
- Tissue Integrity
- Coping
- Diversity
- Grief & Loss
- Self-Care Management
GRADING POLICY 92.00 - 100 = A
83.00 - 91.99 = B
75.00 - 82.99 = C
70.00 - 74.99 = D
0 - 69.99 = F