Feb 10, 2025
2022-2023 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
PSYC 201 - Lifespan Development PREREQUISITES: PSYC 101 - Introduction to Psychology and ENGL 111 - English Composition PROGRAM: Behavioral Sciences CREDIT HOURS MIN: 3 LECTURE HOURS MIN: 3 DATE OF LAST REVISION: Spring, 2018
Examines human growth and development through the prenatal, child, adolescent, and adult stages of life. Physical, emotional, psychosocial, and cognitive influences from conception to death will be addressed.
MAJOR COURSE LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Upon successful completion of this course the student will be expected to:
- Describe and discuss the prenatal, child, adolescent, and adult stages of human development.
- Compare, contrast, and evaluate the major theoretical perspectives as they apply to the stages of development.
- Demonstrate knowledge of scientific research methods.
- Identify the effects of sociocultural contexts and diversity on human development.
- Identify instances in which lifespan concepts affect our everyday lives.
COURSE CONTENT: Topical areas of study include -
Social, emotional, physical and cognitive theories and research as applied to the developmental stages of:
- Prenatal development
- Child development
- Adolescent development
- Adult development
Course Addendum - Syllabus (Click to expand)