Mar 31, 2025  
2022-2023 Catalog 
2022-2023 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

HLHS 102 - Essential Anatomy and Physiology

PREREQUISITES: Demonstrated competency through appropriate assessment or earning a grade of “C” or better in ENGL 093 - Introduction to College Writing  and ENGL 083 - Reading Strategies for College  or ENGL 095 - Integrated Reading and Writing , or ENGL 075 - Co-Requisite Integrated Reading & Writing  and Program Chair Approval.
PROGRAM: Healthcare Specialist

Introduces cells, tissues, and human anatomy highlighting essential physiological principles through a systemic approach. Provides a general overview of basic concepts and terminology used in anatomy and physiology as applicable to health sciences and healthcare occupations.

MAJOR COURSE LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be expected to:

  1. Apply basic knowledge of chemistry as pertinent to the human body.
  2. Identify the major body systems and the organs which comprise each of them.
  3. Summarize and define the basic structure and function of each of the body systems.
  4. Demonstrate the ability to utilize a microscope to examine prepared slides and apply to physiological conditions and body systems.
  5. Adapt the structural and functional aspects of cell organization to the body systems.
  6. Classify the types and composition of the 4 basic types of body tissues.
  7. Discuss and identify disease states in relation to body systems.

COURSE CONTENT: Topical areas of study include -  

  • Human body structure and function
  • Homeostasis
  • Physiological Chemistry
  • Cells and tissues

Body systems, membranes and disease entities

  • Integumentary system
  • Skeletal system
  • Muscular system
  • Nervous system
  • Sensory systems
  • Endocrine system
  • Circulatory system
  • Cardiovascular system
  • Lymphatic system and Immunity
  • Respiratory system
  • Digestive system
  • Urinary system
  • Reproductive systems
  • Healthcare Careers

Laboratory Content:

Suggested Topics/Activities:

Body systems and membranes

  • Integumentary system - microscope, skin cancer models, fingerprinting
  • Skeletal system - identification of bones and bony markings, range of motion
  • Muscular system - flexors/extenders evaluation, joints, identification
  • Nervous system - reaction time, dementia simulation
  • Sensory systems - reaction time, visual acuity
  • Endocrine system - blood sugar testing
  • Circulatory system - Slide evaluation
  • Cardiovascular system - blood pressure evaluation, vital signs, simulated EKG
  • Lymphatic system and Immunity - worksheet/crossword/hands-on activities
  • Respiratory system - O2 saturation, dyspnea simulation
  • Digestive system - simulated stool cultures, colostomy models
  • Urinary system - simulation of kidney filtration, urinalysis,
  • Reproductive systems - testicular and breast exams
  • Microscope Use
  • Basic cell structure - gummy bear lab
  • Abdominal regions - Tic Tac Toe
  • Spider concept maps
  • Anatomage Tables


HLHS 102 does not substitute for APHY courses. HLHS 102 applies only to Healthcare Specialist programs.

Course Addendum - Syllabus (Click to expand)