Nov 27, 2024  
2021-2022 Catalog 
2021-2022 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

COMM 104 - Workplace Communication

PREREQUISITES: Demonstrated competency through appropriate assessment or earning a grade of “C” or better in ENGL 093 - Introduction to College Writing  and ENGL 083 - Reading Strategies for College  or ENGL 095 - Integrated Reading and Writing , or ENGL 075 - Co-Requisite Integrated Reading & Writing 
PROGRAM: Communication

This course focuses on developing workplace communication skills for students in programs within Ivy Tech’s School of Technology. This course will define characteristics of communication in different workplace contexts, including barriers to effective communication. It will also afford students opportunities to examine and practice strategies for listening critically, building functional interpersonal work relationships, communicating in groups, and enhancing self-expression. Another course focus will be on technology-driven communication channels that are common in the workplace so that students can become effective consumers and providers of information in these channels. By taking a pragmatic approach to understanding human communication, students will increase their workplace as well as their personal communication competence.

MAJOR COURSE LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Upon successful completion of this course the student will be expected to:

  1. Apply the concepts of communication theory and ethics in a simulated workplace setting.
  2. Develop skills to effectively participate in working teams.
  3. Identify principles and behaviors that contribute to effective interpersonal communication of different organizational cultures in various world contexts.
  4. Utilize appropriate resources to support and enhance oral and written presentations.
  5. Analyze different workplace audiences and adapt presentations to cross-cultural audiences accordingly. Describe the impact of diverse beliefs, attitudes, and values on perceptions.
  6. Describe the impact of diverse beliefs, attitudes, and values on perceptions.
  7. Examine and develop critical listening and feedback skills in various workplace settings.
  8. Construct effective verbal and nonverbal messages.
  9. Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of different communication styles.
  10. Identify causes of and strategies to manage conflict.

COURSE CONTENT: Topical areas of study include -  

Communication models and elements

Communication competence

Layered meanings of language

The role of self in an organization

Perceptual filters

Audience analysis

Conflict management

Technology and communication

Nonverbal communication

Small group decision making

Psychological aspects of small groups

Leadership styles

Organizational strategies for developing and outlining a speech

Supporting materials and tests of evidence

Distinguishing between persuasive and informative messages

The listening process including common listening orientations and barriers to effective listening

Choosing the appropriate communication channel

Understanding ethics in various communication settings
Course Addendum - Syllabus (Click to expand)